
Access Approvals in Three Minutes, Not Three Days

Access Approvals in Three Minutes, Not Three Days

Employees can request access wherever they work –
through a modern web UI, or in Slack.

Employees can request access wherever they work – through a modern web UI, or in Slack.

Request via web

Request via web

Request via web

Request via Slack

Request via Slack

Request via Slack

Instantly Detect and Remediate Security Risks

Instantly Detect and Remediate Security Risks

Instantly Detect and Remediate Security Risks

Know which sensitive resources are exposed. Identify potentially malicious insiders.

Strengthen Your Identity
and Access Maturity

Strengthen your identity and access maturity

Strengthen Your Identity
and Access Maturity

Untangle access pathways using flexible configurations and automated access rules.

Untangle access pathways using flexible configurations and automated access rules.

Untangle access pathways using flexible configurations and automated access rules.

Get Up and Running Fast

Get Up and Running Fast

Get Up and Running Fast

Immediate visibility with a few clicks.  Sits alongside your IdP.

Immediate visibility with a few clicks.  Sits alongside your IdP.

Ready to see how Opal can help you achieve and maintain least privilege access?

Ready to see how Opal can help you achieve and maintain least privilege access?

Ready to see how Opal can help you achieve and maintain least privilege access?