Opal + MongoDB
MongDB + Opal Use cases
Protect against breaches with least privilege
- Grant just-in-time access to mongoDB databases that are auto-expiring and fully audited using Slack
- Ensure that privileged roles have the appropriate identity governance and approval configurations, such as multi-stage approvals, max duration, custom fields, and more
Accelerate employee access on paved roads
- Enable resource owners with the most context to approve access requests and provision access automatically via Slack
- Accelerate employee onboarding by enabling managers to request on behalf of their reports or enabling self-service discovery of resource bundles
- Automate on-call access by provisioning and deprovisioning access via on-call schedules
Simplify compliance without manual overhead
- Automate user access reviews so compliance teams can snapshot user listings, assign reviewers to self-service reviews, propagate access changes, and generate an auditor-friendly access report
- Review access of employees who have recently transferred roles or departments
Native engineering workflows
To support native developer workflows, Opal has:
- Easy CLI access to start sessions
- Enable developers to generate auto-expiring credentials that expire after 15 minutes. For DevOps teams, this eliminates the need for credential rotation. For security teams, this bolsters security posture as the credentials are identity-based and developers aren't using static credentials.
- Auditing capabilities for identity-based attribution
MongoDB Overview
MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. Instead of using tables and rows as in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents. Documents consist of key-value pairs which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB. Collections contain sets of documents and function which is the equivalent of relational database tables
Opal + MongoDB Integration Overview
Opal supports out-of-the-box integrations with MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas. You can define access at multiple levels, all the way down to table and column-level access. With Opal's just-in-time short-lived access, the right people will see the right information at the right time. Additionally, developers can easily generate auto-expiring credentials.
MongoDB Integration Setup
- In the Apps sidebar, click on "New App", and select MongoDB
- Create a MongoDB app